Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is caused by a wearing down of enamel on teeth. Brushing too hard can cause the enamel on your teeth to erode faster. It is recommended to brush your teeth using a soft bristled brush, at a 45 degree angle.
Acidic foods are also a cause of tooth sensitivity. Soda and candy are the main culprits as they contain a high amount of acids. Gum disease may also cause tooth sensitivity. When plaque and tartar builds up, gums can pull back. This might also occur to people above 40, and smokers are especially vulnerable to this as well.


  1. Avoid Peroxides- Whitening occurs due to natural irrigation of micro tubules in teeth
  2. Use ShoPlaq at night – see and remove plaque from teeth
  3. Use Zen Herbal Toothpaste in the morning – herbal toothpaste without Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) creates natural salivation, which increases mineralization of enamel

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is caused mainly by plaque and bacteria.
Bacteria may create acids in your mouth, causing a tooth to rot. When a cavity appears, it causes pain and sensitivity.
Plaque is formed on teeth and gums, and is usually the result of food being left on teeth. Not brushing regularly, eating high foods high in sugar, will increase the likelihood of plaque forming.
Having a dry mouth may also cause tooth decay. Saliva naturally washes away food and protects teeth from decay.


  1. Use ShoPlaq and see where the plaque is remaining during brushing. Ensure that all plaque is removed.
  2. Completely brush stained plaque using the Plaq Away Diamond Brush to remove plaque at a 45 degree angle.

Gum Disease


Gum disease is caused by bacteria on the teeth and gums, and are more likely to thrive where plaque is present. It is therefore important to brush your teeth regularly, to remove plaque.
The bacteria in plaque feed on sugars in the food and drink we consume, and produce toxins and other chemicals as a result. This causes irritation to gums, which may cause them to bleed.
Over time, plaque hardens into calculus or tartar, and irritates the gums more causing them to recede.


  1. Use ShoPlaq and see where the plaque is remaining during brushing. Ensure that all plaque is removed.
  2. Use Zen Herbal Toothpaste – it contains the oil of Piper Betle and other herbs which work to clear bacterial infection on the gum line.
  3. Use the Plaq Away Diamond Brush – it is important to brush at the 45 degree angle as it was designed for the purpose of removing plaque and bacteria from the gum line.

Surface Stains

Stains on the teeth can be caused by the change in enamel on your teeth. Tannins and acids are the main cause of staining, but Chromogens will also cling to the enamel on your teeth.
Coffee, tea, and cigarettes are thought to be the main causes of stained teeth, but red wine is high in all 3 of the above. Sodas are also highly acidic, and contains a high amount of chromogens.
Teeth have fluid running through micro tubules that run from the center to the surface of the teeth. If plaque is not removed from the teeth, the stains will infiltrate the teeth.


  1. Use ShoPlaq and see where the plaque is remaining during brushing. Ensure that all plaque is removed.
  2. Use Zen Herbal Toothpaste – it contains the oil of Piper Betle and other herbs which work to clear bacteria on the gum line.
  3. Use the Plaq Away Diamond Brush – it is important to brush at the 45 degree angle as it was designed for the purpose of removing plaque and bacteria from the gum line.
  4. Increase the daily intake of water.